The Stock Program

Why “Shareholders”?

The majority of our donors choose to participate in our stock program. This stems from the concept of investing in mission work, and in our Orthodox Youth. Just as when Biblical fishermen went out to sea, an entire village had already built their nets, the support of the entire home parish is crucial for each team member’s OYMT experience.

What Does Being a Shareholder Look Like?

Donors purchase “stock” in OYMT from a team member for $10 per share. Shareholders receive updates throughout the year, including a handwritten postcard from the mission trip destination and an annual newsletter featuring reflections written by the youth. In September, team members give a shareholder presentation at each participating parish to share their experiences.

How Does Your Generosity Support Us?

  • Provides scholarships for Youth who cannot afford the volunteer fee, which covers basic per-person expenses on each mission trip.
  • Funds transportation and accommodations to and from the mission trip destination.
  • Allows us to provide necessary items for the homeowners we meet on our mission trips.

Become a Shareholder

Email [email protected] for more information, or if you’d like to organize an OYMT fundraiser at your parish. Look out for stock purchase information in participating parishes beginning in January of each year.